Two Byzantine bas-reliefs – Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo

Byzantine bas-reliefs of the Virgin Annunciate - Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo


Bas-reliefs, in Greek marble and and ancient green marble, dimensions 140×70 cm.

  1. The Virgin Annunciate in full figure to the left of the entrance gate;
  2. The Archangel Gabriel in full figure to the right of the entrance gate.

Both are framed with a band of green marble.

Both have unreadable inscriptions in Greek on the upper inner frame.

Photos of the Madonna

Photos of the Archangel Gabriel


Dating: 1100s, 1200s

Type: Bas-relief

Materials: Greek marble, Green marble

Iconography: Archangel Gabriel, Madonna, Virgin Annunciate


Sestiere: Castello

Locality: Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo (Castello)


  • Rizzi: Scultura esterna a Venezia, 1987 (CS 408 a) : 2 Bassorilievi, Marmo greco e marmo verde antico, cm. 140×70. Madonna annunciata ed Arcangelo Gabriele a figure intere entro cornici posteriori composte da lunga fascia marmorea limitata da dentellatura pure in marmo greco. Scritte in greco.