Byzantine cross – Corte Seconda del Milion 5858

Byzantine cross and roundel in Corte Seconda del Milion, Canareggio 5858


Byzantine cross of Greek marble, dimensions 60×50 cm.

Cross with drilled rosettes and leaves at the ends. At the end of the arms are four roundels, decorated with foliage constituting crosses.



Dating: 1200s, 1300s

Type: Byzantine cross

Materials: Greek marble


  • Rizzi: Scultura esterna a Venezia, 1987 (CN 424) : Croce, Marmo greco, cm.60u00d750. Croce a rosette trapanate e foglie ale estremitu00e0. Tangenti ai bracci sono quattro tondini a niello, decorati a fogliame costituente crocette.