Statue of Anthony of Padua – Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo

Statue of Antonio of Padova - Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo


Statue of Anthony of Padua, soft stone, dimensions 70 cm.

Anthony of Padua holding of the Jesus child. The work could originally have been placed in the niche below, now empty, on the same buttress.



Dating: 1600s

Type: Statue

Materials: Sandstone

Iconography: Anthony of Padua


Sestiere: Castello

Locality: Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo (Castello)


  • Rizzi: Scultura esterna a Venezia, 1987 (CS 405) : Statua, Pietra tenera, cm. 70. Antonio da Padova reggente il Bambino Gesu00f9. L'opera poteva essere originariamente posta nella nicchia, ora vuota, sul medesimo contrafforte.