Two coat of arms – Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo

Two coat of arms - Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo


Two coats of arms, in Istria stone, dimensions 50×40 cm.

Bouched shields with the coat of arms of the Storlato family, flanked by flourishes and surmounted by sparrow-beaked helmets, having a foreshortened eagle with spread wings as a crest.

Pointed rectangular console with a serrated edge.

Photos – east side

Photos – west side


Dating: 1400s, Mid 1400s

Type: Coat of arms

Materials: Istrian stone

Names: Storlato


Sestiere: Castello

Locality: Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo (Castello)


  • Rizzi: Scultura esterna a Venezia, 1987 (CS 402 a) : 2 Stemmi, Pietra d'Istria, cm. 50×40. Scudi a targa (Storlato) affiancati da svolazzi e sormontati da elmi a becco di passero, aventi come cimiero un'aquila scorciata ad ali spiegate. Comparto a rettangolo cuspidato con bordo dentellato.